Alcohol Allergy

Alcohol Allergy, highlighting allergic reactions and symptoms associated with alcohol consumption.

Alcohol Allergy

Do you have physical reactions when you drink alcohol? Allergies are more commonly associated with certain ingredients in alcoholic beverages, such as proteins in beer and wine, rather than the alcohol itself. Some people may be allergic to specific grains or fruits used in the production of these beverages.

  • Alcohol allergy is an immune system response to components found in beverages (like wine, beer, cocktails). It is different from alcohol intolerance, which is related to difficulties in metabolizing alcohol.

    Do you feel sluggish, flushed, puffy, or stuffy with alcohol? Come see us!

    • Patch testing- dyes, natural flavorings, preservatives in wine/beer

    • Skin testing for grains - think vodka, gin, whiskey, hops

    • Discover what specifically you're allergic to

    • Find alternatives for an allergy-free drink experience

  • Can alcohol allergies be outgrown?

    Unlike some childhood allergies, alcohol allergies are less likely to be outgrown. It is often a lifelong condition, and strict avoidance of the specific allergen is recommended.

    Can histamine in alcohol cause allergic reactions?

    Some individuals may experience symptoms due to the histamine content in certain alcoholic beverages. This is more related to histamine intolerance rather than a true allergy.

    Can someone be allergic to the sulfites in wine?

    While sulfites are often blamed for wine-related allergic reactions, true sulfite allergies are extremely rare. Sulfites can cause respiratory symptoms in sensitive individuals, but this is not a true allergic reaction.


