
Allergies, Allergic Reaction Services Top Best Allergist Allergy Doctor in Newport Beach Aliso Viejo Costa Mesa Orange County Allergies Eczema Pediatrics Food Allergies Food Allergy


Have a look at our most popular visit option, “Allergy Plus”, which gives patients the option of same day personalized allergy testing to 150+ indoor, outdoor, and food allergens, with result rendering in as little as 15 minutes. This also includes full physician assessment, result review, and plan of action. For those on a time crunch, an In and Out Testing option is available

  • Allergies occur when your immune system takes notice of every day elements (like pets, dust, pollen, food etc)

  • How does allergy testing work?

    It’s simple, we test your skin by applying the allergens to your back via a stamp-like device. This is a quick, and virtually painless procedure - just a bit cold and itchy! Skin testing for allergies is preferred over blood testing because skin testing has a higher negative predictive value than blood (in other words, it’s way more accurate)! We can and do use blood tests in some instances, such as confirming skin test results (particularly in food allergic patients). Blood testing is also used if you are someone who cannot avoid taking antihistamines (think of Benadryl, Claritin, or Allegra) as these medications interfere with skin testing results.

  • How do I know what products I am allergic to?

    If your allergies are atypical, or if you’re curious about additives, dyes, or preservatives in your personal care products or favorite foods, you’ve come to the right place! This is our “thing”. There are currently no standards or definitions that define the term “hypoallergenic.” Manufacturers are not required to provide proof of hypoallergenicity to the FDA (don’t believe us? Check the FDA website)! Hypoallergenic/Clean does not guarantee there are not things you’re allergic to in the product. Not fair, we know!

    Itchy skin? Want to know why?

    Skin diagnostics aren’t just for the Dermatologists, although we love our Derm buddies…we aim to help you identify short-term and long-term solutions, and find out what’s making you so itchy, with diagnostics for food, pollen, dander, chemicals, and clues within bloodwork.


