
Visual representation of Asthma, showcasing aspects like inhalers, symptoms, and lung function affected by this respiratory condition.


We offer in-office diagnostics and treatment for asthma. Lung volume for analysis of lung inflammation, along with key laboratory findings help us to reach our goal of optimizing your quality of life with little to no medication. 

  • Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by inflammation of the airways, leading to symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.

    Asthma has a complex etiology, involving genetic and environmental factors. Triggers can include allergens (e.g., pollen, pet dander), respiratory infections, irritants (e.g., smoke, pollution), and physical activity.

    Common symptoms include wheezing, coughing (especially at night), shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Symptoms can vary in intensity and may be triggered by specific factors.

  • Diagnosis often involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, lung function tests (such as spirometry), and sometimes allergy testing.

    This is done with in-office lung inflammation diagnostics and identification of specific inflammatory molecules in blood.

    We also offer our patients the latest, most up-to-date steroid-sparing therapies to help mediate asthma symptoms.

  • Is asthma hereditary?

    There is a genetic component to asthma, meaning it can run in families. Individuals with a family history of asthma or other allergic conditions may have an increased risk.

    Can asthma be cured?

    Asthma is a chronic condition with no cure, but it can be effectively managed with proper treatment and lifestyle adjustments.

    What are asthma triggers?

    Triggers vary among individuals but may include allergens, irritants, respiratory infections, exercise, cold air, and certain medications.

    How is asthma treated?

    Treatment typically involves long-term control medications (such as inhaled corticosteroids) to manage inflammation and rescue medications (such as bronchodilators) for immediate relief during an asthma attack.

    Can asthma medications cause side effects?

    Like any medications, asthma drugs can have side effects. However, the benefits of controlling asthma symptoms usually outweigh the potential side effects. It's important to discuss any concerns with a healthcare provider.

    Can asthma go away on its own?

    While some children may outgrow asthma, it usually persists into adulthood. With proper management, many people with asthma can lead normal, active lives.

    Can asthma be prevented?

    While asthma cannot be completely prevented, individuals can reduce their risk by avoiding known triggers, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and following a prescribed treatment plan.

    Can asthma be fatal?

    In most cases, asthma can be effectively managed with appropriate treatment. However, severe asthma attacks can be life-threatening, emphasizing the importance of regular medical monitoring and adherence to treatment plans.


