
Depiction of Menopause, showcasing signs like hormonal changes and hot flashes, and aspects of managing this life stage.


You don’t pause… so why menoPAUSE? Come in and clear up the confusion of hormones with Dr Mama Gupta, board-certified OBGYN and NAMS member. There are some things that your mom never told you. Mama Gupta can be your expert to fill in the gaps.

Learn what you can do today to tackle hot flashes, moodiness, weight gain, poor sleep, decreased libido, and dryness.

  • Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles and fertility typically seen in her late 40’s-50’s.

    It is diagnosed when a woman has no periods for 12 consecutive months. Many women have questions about the physical and emotional changes associated with menopause.

  • Mama Gupta stresses the importance of managing menopause. This includes keeping a youthful appearance and energy. Balancing hormones can alleviate the uneasy sensations, lack of focus, and discomfort of this life process. We do this with a complete hormone diagnosis laboratory panel and hands-on body rejuvenation techniques.

    If symptoms have already crept up, it’s not too late to get your groove back. When your hormones change, so does your skin. Mama Gupta understands that the management of menopause includes maintaining your glow. This doesn’t just apply to your face.

    As we grow up, we lose elasticity in our skin all over our body. Mama Gupta offers focused body rejuvenation to pair with your hormone journey.

  • A key feature of managing menopause and aging gracefully involve diet, exercise, hormone balance and weight loss. For some, semaglutides can be a good complement

  • What are the symptoms of menopause?

    Common symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, changes in libido, sleep disturbances, and changes in menstrual cycle patterns.

    How long do menopausal symptoms last?

    The duration of symptoms varies, but they can last for several years. On average, symptoms may persist for about four to five years, but individual experiences vary.

    What is a hot flash?

    A hot flash is a sudden feeling of warmth, often accompanied by flushing and sweating, which is a common symptom of menopause.

    Can menopause cause weight gain?

    Hormonal changes during menopause can contribute to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. However, lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise also play a role.

    Is hormone replacement therapy (HRT) safe?

    The safety of hormone replacement therapy depends on factors such as a woman's overall health and medical history. It's important for women to discuss the potential benefits and risks of HRT with their healthcare provider.

    How can I manage menopausal symptoms naturally?

    Lifestyle changes, including regular exercise, a healthy diet, stress management, and getting enough sleep, can help alleviate some menopausal symptoms.

    Can menopause affect mental health?

    Yes, hormonal changes during menopause can contribute to mood swings, irritability, and an increased risk of depression and anxiety in some women.

    Does menopause affect bone health?

    Yes, the decline in estrogen levels during menopause can lead to a loss of bone density, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake, along with weight-bearing exercise, can help support bone health.

    Can menopause affect sexual health?

    Yes, menopause can lead to changes in sexual desire, vaginal dryness, and discomfort during intercourse. Communication with a healthcare provider can help address these concerns.

    Is it possible to get pregnant during perimenopause?

    Yes, pregnancy is still possible during the perimenopausal phase before menopause is officially reached. Women should continue using contraception until they are certain they are no longer fertile.

    Are there treatments for menopausal vaginal dryness?

    Yes, various treatments, including over-the-counter moisturizers, prescription estrogen therapies, and lifestyle changes, can help manage vaginal dryness and discomfort.


