Pet Allergy

Visual of Pet Allergy, showing common allergic reactions like sneezing and itching due to exposure to pets like cats or dogs.

Pet Allergy

Pet allergies are triggered by proteins found in the skin cells, saliva, and urine of animals. Common allergenic pets include cats, dogs, rabbits, and rodents.

  • Pet allergies are allergic reactions to proteins found in the skin cells, saliva, and urine of animals, commonly cats and dogs.

    Symptoms may include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, skin rash, coughing, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. Allergic reactions can vary in intensity.

    • Skin testing

    • Patch testing

    • Desensitization- oral/ sublingual or allergy shots

  • Can pet allergies develop at any age?

    Yes, pet allergies can develop at any age. Some individuals may develop allergies after prolonged exposure to pets.

    Can I be allergic to one type of pet but not others?

    Yes, it is possible to be allergic to one type of pet but not others. Allergies are specific to the proteins found in a particular animal's skin, saliva, or urine.

    Can pet allergies be prevented?

    While pet allergies cannot always be prevented, there are measures to reduce exposure, such as keeping pets out of bedrooms, using air purifiers, and regular cleaning to minimize dander.

    What is the difference between pet allergies and pet intolerance?

    Pet allergies involve an immune system response to specific proteins, while pet intolerance typically refers to non-allergic reactions, such as irritations from pet hair or odor.

    Can hypoallergenic pets help with allergies?

    While some breeds are considered hypoallergenic, no breed is entirely allergy-free. These breeds may produce fewer allergenic proteins, but individual reactions can still vary.

    Can I outgrow pet allergies?

    It is possible to outgrow pet allergies, but this varies among individuals. Exposure reduction and certain treatments may help manage symptoms over time.

    Can I live with a pet if I have allergies?

    It depends on the severity of the allergy. Some individuals with mild allergies can successfully live with pets by implementing allergen reduction strategies and taking medications.


