Environmental Allergy

Image showing the impact of Environmental Allergies, such as reactions to pollen, dust, and mold in various settings.


Environmental allergens can be seasonal (pollen) or perennial (dust, pet dander). Finding your exact triggers is what we do and then we get to work becoming allergy free.

  • Environmental allergies are diagnosed by allergy skin testing and/or allergy patch testing. Flowers are a good example of testing to outdoor allergens done via the Patch Test Method

  • Are there over-the-counter medications for environmental allergies?

    Yes, over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal corticosteroids can help manage allergy symptoms. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

    Can environmental allergies be associated with asthma?

    Yes, environmental allergies are a common trigger for asthma symptoms in individuals with allergic asthma. Managing allergies can be part of an overall asthma treatment plan.

    Can allergies be outgrown?

    While some children may outgrow allergies, particularly those to certain foods, many individuals with environmental allergies may continue to experience symptoms into adulthood. However, symptoms can be managed effectively with appropriate treatment.

    Is allergy immunotherapy effective for environmental allergies?

    Allergy immunotherapy, such as allergy shots or sublingual tablets, can be effective in reducing the severity of allergy symptoms over time. It works by exposing the immune system to small amounts of allergens, gradually desensitizing the individual.


